
SPRING BACK TO LIFE - Saturday 27 April 2024  10 am - 1 pm

Plant and cake sale. Vegetable and bedding seedlings  for sale.  Also delicious cakes and refreshments. See the new Pear Arch and view the plants emerging for the season.

SOUPER SPOOKY SATURDAY  - Saturday 19 October 2024, 11 am - 3 pm

 Delicious soups made from garden produce will be served and a variety of interesting pumpkins sold, alongside a concoction of spooky activities for children to enjoy. 

Past Events in 2023

SOUPER SPOOKY SATURDAY  - Saturday 21 October 2023, 11 am - 3 pm

Delicious soups made from garden produce were served and a variety of interesting pumpkins sold, alongside a concoction of spooky activities for children to enjoy. 


SUPER SALE OF CLEMATIS - Sunday 2nd July 2023, 10 am - 4pm

We were very fortunate to have donated to us 400 clematis plants by Raymond Evison of The Guernsey Clematis Nursery a many times winner at The Chelsea Flower Show, including this year.  The sale was due to start at 10.00 am and last until 4.00 pm.  The first customer arrived at 9.00 am !  And the people kept coming  and coming.  Traffic jams ensued.  Plants flew off the shelves.  We were sold out by 11.00 am!” A good morning’s work and a contribution to the funds for our new Education & Learning Centre - The Gatehouse.”              

SPRING BACK TO LIFE - Saturday 22nd April 2023, 10 am - 12.30 pm

 The garden gates reopened  on  Saturday 22 April 2023  with a plant Sale:  

Spring was sprung as the gardens opened for the season with a plant, seedling and cake sale.  The sound of Ad Hoc recorders and Amaryllis provided a mellow sound in the Orchard house.