Policies & Procedures
We currently hold the following documents:
A Safeguarding Policy which is reviewed every 2 years
The Board of the Guernsey Botanical Trust LBG, on behalf of the Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden, is notified by the Safe Guarding Officer, or Deputy, of all incidents arising ( Appendix 3)
The Guernsey Botanical Trust LBG has registered with the Office of the Data Protection Authority at St Martin's House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port, GY1 1BR as a CHARITY.
A Safety Procedures document is given to each volunteer in joining The Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden.
A Health and Safety document is in the draft form and will be reviewed when the construction of the Gatehouse & Learning Centre is completed and taken possession of by the Guernsey Botanical Trust LBG.
Further information
Public Liability Insurance applicable